
Changing the subject

There isn't a problem.  There is the problem.  One specific, overriding, grandiose thing that crops up over and over when we talk.

It's neither my problem nor yours.  It isn't our problem.  It is, once again, the problem.  One steady constant.  One reoccurring error.  One insidious horseman of the conversational apocalypse that turns all progress to brimstone and screaming.

When I say we, I mean you - anyone, all of you, each person I've ever attempted to have a conversation with over the course of my existence.  I'm not singling you out, whoever you are.  Again, it's not your problem.  It's the problem.

Clear?  I'm trying to avoid the problem here.  I want to make sure everyone can understand.  There is one problem that keeps cropping up every time we talk.

The subject keeps changing.  You change it.  I change it.  You force things.  I force things.  Words seem to take on a life of their own and the conversation swerves into another lane and soon is going a completely different direction on some other highway to an unrelated destination.

One problem.  The problem.  The subject changes.  This means that no headway can be made.  Stick to the subject.  Whatever it is,was or shall be, make it stick.  We can solve the problem.  I know it.

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