
Page 9

A curtain falls down, revealing an enclosed metal staircase filled with armed guards.  At the end of the fenced staircase is a brushed chrome door with no visible knob.  A substantial portion of the mob split off and hurl themselves at the fence.  The guards remain unphased.
“Meet your fighters…” The announcer’s voice is drowned out by cheers, fence rattling and people placing bets on the next fight.
She watches through the noise as the two new men walk onto the stage.  Unlike the previous pair, these two stride with confidence.  Maybe arrogance.
A man grabs her wrist from behind.  She twists it free as she spins around.
“Who do you have for Ascension?”  His breath is heavy with alcohol.
He laughs.  “Yeah.  To win the damn fight.  Who do you think is gonna win?”
She shrugs.
“Well you look like a fighter.  The knife, you know?”  He points.
She covers the hilt with a hand.
“Here we go!”  He shouts.
She moves to the balls of her bare feet, ready to attack.  He isn't looking at her anymore.  She turns.  The fight has started.

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